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Quince Jelly

We make a wonderful quince jelly that is reddish in color, made from the popular Cydonia Oblonga variety of quince. The flavor is tart and very flavorful. Delicious on toast, in yogurt or right out of the jar.

Quince Jelly - 10 oz

Our price is $5.90

A Popular Classic

Quince Fruit

Quince is a small shrub of tree of the Rose family. The common quince (cydonia oblonga) is a spineless tree and the edible, pear shaped fruit is related to the Apple and Pear. However, it is very astringent and is used mainly in preserves and jelly. Marmalade is said to have been first made from quince.

Leaf photo created by azerbaijan_stockers -
Varieties of Quince

  • Cydonia Oblonga - a fuzzy quince originating in the area of the middle and near East. When cooked, the juice and pulp have a pinkish color. This fruit can be grown in any area of the United States and the trees never grow taller than 25 feet.
  • Pseudocydonia sinensis - a native of China. It has a smooth skin and the pulp is more firm than the C. oblonga.
  • Chaenomeles - used to make a tart jelly. The fruit is typically small and the leaves are thorny. The trees only grow to less than 6 feet.
  • Chaenomeles cathaensis - also a native of China, these quinces are very large and the trees can grow to over 20 feet.