Made for Friends
Blackberry Preserves
Try this delicious Blackberry Jam made from the Marionberry variety of blackberry. Great over toast or in yogurt. Top vanilla ice cream with a scoop of this jam for a truly sinful combination.
Boysenberry Preserves
For you boysenberry lovers out there, this preserve is for you. Great as a breakfast treat or even on dinner rolls. Serve this jam with your next gourmet dinner and wait for the compliments.
Our price is $5.90
Red Raspberry Preserves
Everyone loves Red Raspberry Preserves and ours is the best. Made from Oregon's finest Red Raspberries picked fresh from the fields. This jam is great in many dishes and even on toast. Also available in seedless.
Our price is $5.90
Four Berry Preserves
A delicious blend of strawberries, blackberries, red raspberries and boysenberries, get your antioxidants here! Top slices of pound cake or cheescake with this dark, berry-licious
Our price is $5.90
Check out more jams!

Have you ever wondered about the history of the berry? Most people have heard of the common varieties like the Red Raspberry, the Olallie, the Marion, and the Loganberry. But there are many more varieties, each with its own unique characteristics (see the sidebar).
A Brief History of the Blackberry
The genus Rubus in the family Rosaceae includes red and black raspberries, Loganberry, Boysenberry, Marionberry and other blackberry types, and many others. Rubus species were important in the United States and Canada for hundreds of years. They were gathered by the Native Americans all over North America, and important to colonists as well. The first commercial nursery plants were sold by William Price in 1771.
Frequently Asked Questions about Preserves
Q: What is the difference between a jam, a preserve, a jelly and marmalade?
A: This is a common question. A jam and preserve are the same -- they contain chunks of fruit or pureed fruit. A jelly is made from the juice of the fruit and a marmalade is a jelly with suspended citrus rind.
Q: Where do you get the fruit for your jams?
A: Our citrus fruit for our marmalades comes from the Riverside area and also our own trees. The berries are from Northern California, Oregon and Washington. We also get fresh vegetables for some of our products from the Los Angeles produce market.
Q: What is the shelf life of your jams?
A: Our jams, jellies, and marmalades have a long shelf life, typically about 2 years. Some light colored products may darken with age but the flavor will remain.
Q: I notice that sometimes your jams crystallize, why?
A: We make all of our jams using pure cane sugar for optimum flavor. Because this sugar is not an invert sugar, it tends to 'crystallize' when refrigerated. This means that sugar crystals appear. The jam is still good. To make the crystals disappear, place in your microwave for about 15 seconds (remove the lid). We recommend that you store our jams at room temperature, even after opening. The shelf life after opening is about 6 months. If refrigeration is required, there will be a note on the label.
- Red Raspberry - this is the most common 'cane' berry. The predominant varieties are the Willamette and Meeker. The fresh harvest season is mid-June.
- Black Raspberry (Blackcap) - this berry is native to North America. The fresh harvest season is during the month of July. Popular in specialty food products and as a coloring agent.
- Marionberry - a native blackberry from Oregon and is a cross between the Olallieberry blackberry and the Chehalem blackberry. Fresh harvest season is around July and August. Our Seedless Blackberry Jam, Blackberry Preserves and our Blackberry Syrup are made from the Marionberry variety.
- Evergreen Blackberry - a native wild blackberry of Europe. Often considered the 'traditional' blackberry. Fresh harvest season is around August and September.
- Boysenberry - origin unknown, considered to be a blackberry crossed with a Loganberry, Red Raspberry, Dewberry and Blackberry. This variety has ties with Walter Knott of Knott's Berry Farm. Fresh season is usually July to August.
- Loganberry - a cross between blackberry and red raspberry. Used mainly in pies and wines and has a tart flavor. Fresh season is late June and early July.
- Waldoberry - a cross between two USDA selections, one is the Marion. Thornless and therefore easier for the workers. Ripens in late July and early August. We thought this variety had a great name.
- Kotata Blackberry - a cross between two USDA selections, one is the Boysenberry. Fresh season is during the month of July.
- Olallieberry Blackberry - a cross between the Black Logan and the Youngberry and introduced as the Olallie in 1950. This berry is better for the California climate and grows vigorously.